Feeling STUCK because of HEALTH INSURANCE? Eliminate the CONFUSION about your options!
Wed, Feb 15
Need some clarity about what is out there? Looking for the options other than employer group insurance? Self employed? Spouse retiring? Want to pursue a dream? Turning 65 and just need to know? Join us to hear from an expert. Barbie Schwartz is sharing her tips from spending 32 years in the biz!

Time & Location
Feb 15, 2023, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
About the Event
It's not sexy or glamorous. We may not understand it. We may be bored, overwhelmed, intimidated, and just don't want to talk about it. However... IT IS SOMETHING EVERYONE NEEDS!! Join us to hear the options.
Healthcare insurance is something we consistently pay for every month and hope we never need to use. As we face different stages in our lives, we may feel there is only one option for healthcare insurance. But there are many options that we may not realize and those options might be right for us in that next step of our journey called life.
Barbie Schwartz, a southern Minnesota gal, is with Midwest Insurance Group Mankato. She has spent 32 years in the field of insurance and has been with Midwest for 17 of those years. She takes pride in building her relationships and finding the right solutions for her clients at the right time in their lives. And we all know in life... things happen.
Are you hopeful to pursue a dream but feel held back and stuck because of insurance? Looking for other options rather than employer group insurance? Self employed? Spouse retiring? Turning 65 and just need to know?
Join us and find out your options!